10 Interesting facts about Hong Kong

Hong Kong, or simply H.K, is located on China's south coast and is enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea. Hong Kong is renowned worldwide for its jungle of glass and stones and deep natural harbor. With a land mass of 1,104 square kilometers (426 sq. mi) on which 7 million people stay, Hong Kong is the world's most densely populated city. Below is an overview of the city for those who would want to visit it.

1. The name 'Hong Kong' is Cantonese for 'fragrance harbor'.

2. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region consists of Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the New Territories, and several other smaller islands.

3. The Hong Kong's Peak Tram became the first rail tram in Asia in 1888. About 11,000 people ride the tram every day translating into 4 million people annually.

4. The main languages (official) spoken in Hong Kong are Chinese Cantonese and English.

5. Unlike what many people think, about three quarters of Hong Kong's landmass is rural. It consists of 24 parks, woodlands, reservoirs, hills and a coastline. These beautiful parks are easily accessible from the city.

6. Hong Kong is one of the richest cities in the world. It has more Rolls Royce’s per person than any other city in the world.

7. Did you know that the father of fiber optics, the glass cables that have so significantly changed how we communicate is called Professor Charles Kao from Hong Kong? The professor is also a winner of the Physics Nobel Prize in 2009.

8. HK has more skyscrapers than any other city in the world. A skyscraper is any building with more than 14 storeys. It has twice as many as its nearest rival - the New York City.

9. Poon Choi, Chinese New Year's Dish that has 10 different ingredients that are served into one pot is the most popular dish in HK's restaurants.

10. Since the Opium War of 1842 to July 1st, 1997, Hong Kong was under British Rule. Today, it is a special administration region of China.

Hong Kong is a city of many firsts. Feel free to add to this list. As for those who want to travel to the city, you have just added one of the greatest experiences into your holiday cache. The city will not only inspire to achieve greatness but also help you relax and unwind.

By Kennedy Runo on 01/24/2014 in Hong Kong

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